Friday, August 21, 2009

Cheap Home Security

1. Go to a thrift store and buy a large pair of used men's boots and a couple huge dog dishes.

2. Place them on your porch, along with an American Rifleman magazine.

3. Leave a note on your door: "Duke - went shooting. Back soon. Better wait outside, dogs tore up mailman yesterday."


  1. A fantastic plan. Mine for vehicle security: windows down, at least 50 empty bullet casings on the dashboard (with a few more on the seat, preferably large caliber) and 5 (not 6, not 4) empty 16 oz. cans of cheap beer crushed and laying on the front seats. Optional: a note saying "shooting, be right back".

  2. I do similar things. I still have the old, chewed up, dog dish from my deceased dog on the porch along with his leash. I also found some security markers (ADT, Brinks, ect..) on the side of the road. Most likely it was kids screwing around. I decided to put one outside in the front and backyard by the main entry points. I don't have a security system, but I doubt many would test that. Another trick is to leave lights and a radio on. I use the energy saver bulbs and a small radio to conserve power.

  3. Cont...

    I have found shoe prints in the snow leading up to windows/doors after I was away for a few days. It seems like my little (and cheap) tricks were enough to deter the would be thief.

    Another thing I do is leave a bunch of pillows on the couch and rig them to look like someone sleeping with a blanket over them.

  4. For a vehicle, my buddy used to leave a u joint and other parts in the open...who would steal a broken down old vehicle.
    Can't beat a big dog for home security, in our old townhouse, we had a long haired GSD. the ones around us were robbed, we weren't...

  5. My opinion is dog is the best option for making alert while security purpose.Especially Belgian Malinois and guard dog is a best option for home protection security purpose.
    Personal Protection Dogs
